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4. Defining the Knowledge Package visibility

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After filling in the metadata, you can set the visibility of the Knowledge Package. To do this, use the available options in the Visibility menu.

There are two options available in this menu:

  • Full record: Indicates the visibility that will be assigned to the entire Knowledge Package, which includes its metadata, files, and resources;

  • Files only: Visibility that will be applied only to the files associated with the Knowledge Package.

In both cases, you can set two values:

  • Public: All users will have access to the content;

  • Restricted: Only invited users will be able to view the content.

Using these options, you can define how other GEO Knowledge Hub users will see and use the content you publish.


If you are creating a Restricted Knowledge Package, check out the Sharing packages section to learn how to share this Package with other users.

In addition to the details mentioned, it should notice that since the visibility change is made for the entire Knowledge Package, this will include the Knowledge Resources. So, if you set the Full record option to Public, the resources can be either Public or Restricted. But if you set Restricted, then the resources must be Restricted.

Finally, after making your changes, remember to save the changes you have made.