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5. Accessing the Knowledge Resources interface

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Now, after you have defined your Knowledge Package, you can start adding Knowledge Resources to it. To do this, first access the Knowledge Resources interface, available in the Deposit interface. To do this, click the Go to resources button, as presented in the section Acessing the Deposit interface.

When you access the Knowledge Resources interface, you should see an interface like the one shown in the figure below:

Knowledge Resources interface
Figure: Knowledge Resources interface

With this interface, it is possible to create and manage the Knowledge Resources of the Knowledge Package. For this, the interface has its functionalities divided into four main parts, which are:

  1. Return to Knowledge Package: Button that allows you to return to the interface for managing the Knowledge Package files and metadata;

  2. Resources menu: Menu to allow you to add Knowledge Resources. The details of this menu are presented on the following pages;

  3. Management menu: Knowledge Resources management menu. Currently, it has functionalities that allow the management of Resources permissions;

  4. Operations menu: Menu with operations that can be applied to the Resources of a Package. Currently, only the option to import resources is available. This option is used when a new version of the Knowledge Package is created. Please see the Creating a New Version of a Package page to learn about using this menu.

Each of the parts described in the previous section are marked and shown in the figure below:

Knowledge Resources interface elements
Figure: Knowledge Resources interface elements