Hello, dear GEO Knowledge Hub Community.

For some time now, we, the GEO Knowledge Hub team, have received several requests to assist the community in promoting new Knowledge Packages published on GEO Knowledge Hub. To support the community, we've added a new tool to the GEO Knowledge Hub ecosystem: The Feed.

GEO Knowledge Hub Feed

Minimalist system for a practical description of Knowledge Packages

The GEO Knowledge Hub Feed is a tool that allows the content of a Knowledge Package to be summarized in a Blog post format. Using it, Knowledge Providers can highlight details of the packages and then share them with the community.

Users need to request the GEO Knowledge Hub team a new publication to use the Feed. Details regarding this request system are presented in the topics below.

Request system

Thanks to the functionalities available in the InvenioRDM, the request system has been available since version 1.4.0 of GEO Knowledge Hub. Using this system, users can make requests for different types of actions. For example, in GEO Knowledge Hub, when a user submits a package to a community, he/she creates a request to add the Knowledge Package to the selected Community.

Based on this same system, to allow the integrated use of the GEO Knowledge Hub and the Feed, we now also allow users to request that their package be published in the Feed. Once the request is made, we will work with the Knowledge Provider to summarize the Knowledge Package in a Blog post format. Once the publication is done, it will be made available to the entire community in the Feed.

The figures below show the request to publish option, available on the page of a Knowledge Package. First, you can view the Requests button on a Knowledge Package landing page. After selecting the Feed post, a window will be presented. On this window, you can make the request.

This request can only be made for Knowledge Packages and is not permitted for individual Knowledge Resources. Also, each version of a Knowledge package can only have one publication in the Feed.

Post content

Once a publication has been made, as mentioned, the GEO Knowledge Hub team and the Knowledge Provider will work to create the publication. This publication may consist of the following elements (as this post you are reading 🙂):

  1. Text
  2. Image
  3. Video
  4. Images and videos gallery

Also, the publication will be associated with only one author, which can be an institution, research group, project, or individual author.


Once a new Feed page is published, using the GEO Knowledge Hub Feed mechanisms, sharing of the created post will be done automatically in the GEO Knowledge Hub social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook).

Note: This functionality is currently under revision and should be available soon. More information will be made available as quickly as possible.


If you want to learn more about the GEO Knowledge Hub and how the GEO community is moving towards Open Knowledge, then check out the Open Data and Open Knowledge Workshop. It will take place in Geneva, June 15-16, 2023. Registration in person is already closed, but you can still attend the event remotely.

For more information, please visit: https://www.earthobservations.org/odok2023.php