Published July 4, 2023
| Version v2
Open Data Licensing, Open Data and Open Knowledge Workshop, 2023
- Creators
- Group on Earth Observations
This Knowledge Resource corresponds to the session "Open Data Licensing" during Open Knowledge Workshop 2023, Geneva, Switzerland.
This session introduced GEO's newly approved Data Licensing Guidance and feature insights from data providers and users across government, industry, and international sectors.
Breakout sessions strived the audience's input on challenges to and benefits of adoption of the Guidance, as well as needed tools, resources, and trainings.
Promote awareness and adoption of GEO Data Licensing Guidance. Understand barriers to implementation.
GEO Data licensing
- Presentation 1 (no slides): Overview of GEO Open Data Licensing (Lea Shanley - International Computer Science Institute)
- Presentation 2: Open data licensing in the GEO context (GEO Data Sharing Principles, GEO Statement on Open Knowledge, GEO Data Sharing and Data Management Principles) (Robert Chen - CIESIN)
- Presentation 3: GEO Open Data Licensing Guidance (Derek Hanson - NOAA)
- Presentation 4: Non-Governmental Data Provider (Pooja Pandey - Planet Labs)
- Presentation 5: European high-value datasets from the public sector (Marco Minghini - European Commission, Joint Research Centre, EuroGEO)
- Presentation 6: Non-Governmental Data User (Marie-Francoise Voidrot - OGC)
- Presentation 7: GEO Data Licensing (Liu Chuang - IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
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