TropiSCO : Monitoring tropical deforestation
- Creators
- Space for Climate Observatory
TropiSCO is an initiative dedicated to addressing the critical global threat posed to tropical forests, constituting 50% of the world's forested areas, facing an alarming rate of deforestation. The project employs an innovative methodology developed in collaboration with CNES, the CESBIO laboratory, and GlobEO, utilizing time series of radar images from the European Sentinel-1 system. This approach ensures rapid and systematic detection of deforested areas across all seasons.
The Tropisco platform offers a nearly real-time perspective on tropical deforestation, covering the period from 2018 to the present. Its maps depicting forest cover loss are regularly updated every 6 to 12 days, utilizing radar images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite. Tropisco currently monitors the forests of seven countries—French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Gabon, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and is aimed to cover all tropical forests in South America, Africa and Asia . The platform facilitates combating illegal logging, mining, agricultural practices, and wildlife trafficking through comprehensive monitoring.
Collaborative efforts with partner countries in the Amazon, Congo, and South-East Asia basins are integral to tailoring the detection tool to specific regional needs.
TropiSCO's data-driven approach extends its utility to governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), fire monitors, universities, businesses, and the general public.
To learn more about the application please explore Space Climate Observatory website and TropiSCO web platform.
Website is available in English and French.